3 - Dream Girl

Each and everyone of us had our own talent, some in dancing, singing, painting, drawing, writing or even catching a girl for us guys it is a talent. :) But for me, I saw that catching a girl or the one you had a crush on is quite hard... as I said "for me". I believe that not all the people were born talented, maybe some were good in writing but not as good in speaking. And I am talking about myself. Yeah! That is right, speaking to the girl I admire is the most difficult challenge in my life. For me to speak with the girl and make a meaty conversation with her got me a sweaty face together with a vibrating arms. I don't know why it is really happened every time I spoke to the girl I liked. But when some girl I am talking to is not my crush it just a simple conversation and not so haggard face.

When I saw my crush, I thought I was like a police.

credit: Facebook ;)

Back in my high school days, they call me a "dork". They kept asking me, " Why are you afraid to talk with someone you admire on? If you don't have any bad intentions then, go talk to her. There is a point from my friends right? Well, I explain to them my side... "Guys, I am just respecting the girls." :)

Me sittin' on 19, while she sittin' on 18 :)

The funny thing is, when you recall all the moments you encountered in your high school days you will remember these thing:
  • Your peer will shout your name in sweetness form when you meet your crush in hallway.
  • You try the FLAMES game, where you put your name , surname at the same time your crush full name.
  • You always wait until she got online in Facebook or twitter.
  • You ask her number from her friend.
  • You will make face when you see her jamming with some boys. (but you are not his boyfriend anyway):D

And you will realized that your friend have more feeling of hoity-toity than you actually did.

credit: Facebook ;)


  1. You make the funniest jokes and comments you know XD. Your story here is really something I can relate to a bit. Very eye-catching and convincing


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