2 - Lazy mode

credit: Kenna Molina post (facebook)

I know most people will disagree on my belief that,
 " Laziness is being part of teenager." 
And many teenagers like me can relate themselves with my blog topic as I was writing about.
 This past few weeks or I might say my 'Tiring weeks' is always on a routine of school-home-school, and there is also a routine of assignment-speech project-assignment. Yes! I have no time for my social issues like visiting my facebook, watch in the youtube as I'm always doing on my vacant time.
 It also add when I'm going home and the rainy weather wanted to insult me. 

It was thursday afternoon my class ended at 5:25 but I got home at 7:30 in the evening. Traffic also wanted to insult me and the rain was the cause of that heavy traffic. When I got home no dinner, no taking in a bathroom, (seriously) , don't care what they talking about (family discussion) I'd just go to my room change my clothes and then sleep. I just wanted to have a peace of mind by sleeping while having an earphones listening to my rock music. 

Yahooo! Friday Morning and it is already at 9 o'clock.It was my vacant schedule and I call it on my own term as"Long weekend." Without taking a bath first or maybe wash my face as everyone doing it when they get up from bed. When you ask me what did I do first? Well, I just opened my computer and check out my facebook account. 

But when I'm clicking and clicking on my computer, I felt this kind of feeling:

I felt like I'm scrolling and scrolling for nothing. Instead, I plan to write my second blog post. But before that as I mentioned before, I visit the youtube site and view for some NBA games or the highlight together with the standing in PBA. 

Saturday morning and still don't have my second blog post. And I am thinking what will I write there. It's already 12PM and still lying on my bed, checking my FB account on my phone, my mother already assigned me in a task of cleaning my room up until now I didn't do it. But atleast I have my idea what will I write in my blog post at the time of 5PM. 

And Yes!! here it is my second blog post I felt I am fabulous!

Really? I made my second blog post? Hope to make it in third post by this sunday, June 20, 2015. I'll start praying right now. :) Hoping that a new idea will come soon in my mind. Hahaha! :D


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